

Heard it right. In modern days, an email without a signature in it is like nearly perfect but not completely perfect.Have you read any emails and wondered

“who is this Robert or Rahul?”.

So here I am going to describe you the importance of a signature in your emails.

  • Your representation.
  • Company or organization representation.
  • It makes your email a legit email.(no spams).
  • Importance to your email.

So got it. Nah!!!!

let me explain with scenario:.

A Customer of your company asked some Question to your HR.

HR redirect  that Question to you(sernior Developer) as its  technical one.

you mail him back explaining all the details.

(customer still gets confused. Beacuse of some random reason)

He again contact you directly and ask you “Are you really Technical guy?”

you here Feeling the BURN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. (even though you are senior guy, you can’t tell him nor can you scold him (CUSOMER IS GOD!))

This is the reason you need to have your own signature.

Imagine if you had put up your signature below with your qualification. He would have given you more respect and would have asked same Question in nice manner.

Let’s take one more senario:-

 You are HR of your startup.

Boss said you to get you new customer.

You with full enthusiasm contact every person and sends him email’s.

But no reply even after weeks, you again contact him and query about it. But customer refuses that he got any email from you>!!!

(he though it as a spam and deleted it)

You now cannot tell him nor can you justify.!!(dead lock)

Here is same!!!!.

You represent your company. So be more precise and reachable.

Let’s conclude with advantages:-

  • It give’s classic look.
  • It give’s more importance to your mail.
  • It represents you and your company.
  • It is another way of impressing your Boss or customer.

That’s it for this post.

Stay tuned for —

Best practices on creating your email signature.

How to create your personal email Signature.